Have you ever thought, "There's nothing I can do about this situation?" I have also.
Did you ever realize that not doing anything differently is a choice? Me too!
Today shift your thoughts inward and ask, What is one goal I set last year that I didn't achieve or experience? Why? How did that make you feel?
Write down that goal and list out the steps to achieving it. Remember, baby steps are movement forward, inward, and in the hope-filled direction of achieving. Consciously becoming aware of your thoughts is a step forward.
Remember, to make a change in life, it needs a balance between the head and the heart. Shift your thinking from:
Losing those extra pounds to include the weight of expectations you place
Decluttering your surroundings "out there" needs to include the negative thoughts "in here" cluttering up your mind.
Strengthening your arms, core, and legs to include your brain and emotional heart.
Establishing boundaries with others must include self-compassion, kindness, and love.
Lastly, as you organize, get rid of, or donate those unused, worn-out items gathering dust around your house, be sure to be aware of your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. After all, they may have remained with you through life, but perhaps you have outgrown or have learned they are no longer needed or wanted.
As my dad always said, "Rugger, you own your own mind. Don't ever forget that." Oh, how true that is, while I have also come to understand I own my WHOLE self too; mind, brain, and heart/emotion/spirit. You do too!
