Garden Song, John Denver
Inch by inch, row by row (one self-awareness seed at a time)
Gonna make this garden grow (self-awareness and grief healing action steps)
All it takes is a rake and a hoe(forgiveness, apology, and loving-kindness statements spoken from the heart)
And a piece of fertile ground(the heart where grief is healed and the love beneath uncovered)
Inch by inch, row by row (trusting oneself to take the baby steps inward in awareness of the grief driving one’s self-critical thoughts)
Someone bless these seeds I sow (someone listening from the heart without judgment, criticism, comparison, or “fix it” solution)
Someone warm them from below (healing/ surrender and let go)
Till the rain comes tumblin' down (tears with the emotional release)
As the sun begins to inch its way over the horizon, and I’m listening to John Denver’s Garden Song, I can’t help but interpret the lyrics metaphorically. He’s singing the steps to creating a beautiful garden filled with fruits and vegetables to nourish one’s physical body. The SMILE™ approach is doing the same by spreading educational tools/seeds to those ready to learn the healing action steps to self-discovery and grief recovery.
The first row of your Well-being Garden is Self-Love. This row is filled with deep reflective questions to dig up the rocks and weeds preventing the seeds from growing. Sit and reflect on the following questions: What does self-love mean to you? When was the last time you sat for a moment and actually thought about what you were thinking about? How and what were emotions expressed in your home growing up?
You may be asking what’s so important about your thoughts? Your approximate 60,000 daily thoughts are driven by your heart’s emotions, which are 95% unaware and repetitive, 80% negative, and built upon three generations of your ancestor's survival mechanisms passed onto you. The only way to move the unaware thoughts and emotions to a conscious level is to go to the source; your heart space with self-loving courage and commitment.
We are emotional beings needing love and belonging in a thinking world that believes emotions are signs of weakness, leaving many resorting to behaviors that numb and avoid (working, eating, smoking, drinking, shopping, binge-watching streaming services, social media scrolling, exercising, and so much more) the heaviest and “normal” emotion; grief, at all costs. We are taught how to acquire and control things, stuff, and others, but have no tools to feel and speak the pain losing them creates.
If you discover your thoughts and emotions are not serving you self-loving messages, filled with happiness, joy, kindness, or gratitude, contact me for more information on the SMILE™ approach and begin healing so your authentic and loving SMILE can appear.
Inward and Forward with a SMILE!